Digital HUmans
Thriving in an Online World
Our society is facing huge challenges and opportunities, from achieving net zero to living with quantum computing. What does that mean for how we live and work? Is it consistent with our need to connect with other people and find meaning and purpose? Can we transform our organisations into companies that are nimble enough to keep up with rapid change but designed to keep humans at the heart of what they do?
In Digital Humans: Thriving in an Online World, a team of renowned innovators and digital strategists argue that, despite the speed and complexity that permeate contemporary society, we can find ways to transform ourselves and our organisations to accommodate our humanity in a sea of networks, people, and technology.
In this book, you’ll discover an interdisciplinary discussion that draws on complexity theory, anthropology, history, organisational transformation and behavioural science to highlight the factors that underpin the success of leading digital organisations. The authors draw from over two decades of helping companies transform and their experience of the accelerated shift to hybrid and remote work that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Digital Humans explains the importance of keeping human beings at the centre of the digital age and shows you how to understand our new digital ecosystems. It offers case studies and examples of how to make the shift to digital and adapt to a new physical-digital hybrid reality as you make strategic decisions about the direction of your firm.
An essential roadmap to an increasingly complicated and fast-moving business environment, Digital Humans will earn a place on the bookshelves of executives, managers, and business leaders, as well as the heads of business development and innovation teams.
In Digital Humans: Thriving in an Online World, a team of renowned innovators and digital strategists argue that, despite the speed and complexity that permeate contemporary society, we can find ways to transform ourselves and our organisations to accommodate our humanity in a sea of networks, people, and technology.
In this book, you’ll discover an interdisciplinary discussion that draws on complexity theory, anthropology, history, organisational transformation and behavioural science to highlight the factors that underpin the success of leading digital organisations. The authors draw from over two decades of helping companies transform and their experience of the accelerated shift to hybrid and remote work that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Digital Humans explains the importance of keeping human beings at the centre of the digital age and shows you how to understand our new digital ecosystems. It offers case studies and examples of how to make the shift to digital and adapt to a new physical-digital hybrid reality as you make strategic decisions about the direction of your firm.
An essential roadmap to an increasingly complicated and fast-moving business environment, Digital Humans will earn a place on the bookshelves of executives, managers, and business leaders, as well as the heads of business development and innovation teams.
Ludic Insights: What Now
Join Paul Ashcroft and Garrick Jones in conversation with world-leading experts in digital transformation